Monday, April 20, 2020

What is Normal?

When I was a little girl I can remember my mom telling me, "Normal is just a setting on a dryer." and it really stuck with me. When I was younger and I cared a great deal about people's opinion of me and wondered if I was "normal", I would always think "Normal is just a setting on a dryer.".

 Lately though, it has taken on a new meaning. I keep hearing my kids and my own inner voice say, "I can't wait until life just gets back to normal." After a brief pause I think to myself, "What is normal? Was life ever normal?" The reality is, life is ever changing and as soon as you think you have a normal life something like a birth, death, hurricane, wedding, new job, moving or a PANDEMIC turns your "normal" world upside down.

Covid 19 has made me realize that I'm not looking for normal, I'm craving routine. I'm craving the day in and day out routines that make life predictable. I've attempted to create routines for my family and myself, but each day in the house presents itself with a new reason why the routines I've created aren't working. In the classroom, we have routines, but they are always changing too. It's weird to think that I have an easier time adjusting to being more flexible when routines change at school than I am having at home. Even though I'm so lucky to live in a nice home, in a nice neighborhood with plenty of food and all the amenities I need to survive, I am finding myself longing for and missing my other home, Charles Ellis. I miss my friends, I miss interacting with the children. I miss the predictable unpredictability. 

So to embrace the unpredictability of life...I am posting the Lower Elementary Choice Boards for Language and Math for the next two weeks here. I have uploaded the activities onto See Saw. The choice boards can also be found on the Charles Ellis website.
Lower Elementary Language and Math Choice Boards April 20th-May 1st
I am also posting the Explorations choice boards. Since Wednesdays were our Explorations day, it might be fun to choose to do some of the activities from Explorations on Wednesdays.
Lower Elementary Explorations choice board

~Peace and Gratitude~

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