Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Don’t let GERMS get you down

Room 4 has had several friends and teachers out the past few weeks with illnesses. The flu, bad colds, strep throat, and stomach bugs abound. We have been washing hands a lot in Room 4. Also, we have needed a few reminders to use Kleenex instead of our shirts or sleeves when our nose is running.

Thank you to everyone who provided Room 4 with the supplies to do our experiments.  We are still in need of green and brown model magic.

Did you know that Mercury made it’s transit in front of the sun starting early November 11th? This happens only 13 times each century. The next time it happen will be in 2032. We had a fun lesson and discussion about Mercury and Room 4 is amazed by our solar system.

Next Tuesday, November 19, Room 4 will complete the Math MAP test. This is the second testing session of the school year. I am confident that we will see growth due to all of the hard work the students in Room 4 have been completing.

Next Friday, November 22nd, there will be a dress down day for $1.00.

Also, I will be going to Italy for my honeymoon on November 21st. I usually have the students make Friendship Stew the few days before our Thanksgiving Break. Because I will be out of the country, we will not be able to make it this year. I plan on making it before our Winter Break. Please be on the look out for a sign up genius for food supplies.