Wednesday, April 1, 2020

One Day at a Time

Good morning families!

 I, as well as you, am working from home with three kids needing to be on the computer or needing me in some other capacity. I understand that this is not easy on anyone. Ourselves or our children. I read an editorial article yesterday titled "Homeschooling isn't the same as CRISIS schooling." I think each and every one of us feels that. The author made very valid points and this one really hit home with me, 

"Children are grieving right now. Out of the blue, they lost a lot. While it is wonderful that so many classes are going online, it just isn't the same. They lost their in person time with their friends, their daily routine and the predictability of life that gives us security. HONOR that grief process. Don't just expect to jump into a perfect program and learn, learn learn!  Expect them to act out. Expect them to not want to get out of bed. Expect them to not have the words to express their inner turmoil."

​I also realize that there are many of you who are still working. You are essential and you're having to use older siblings or other family members to help you during this time. I even realize some of you may not have anyone to help at all and the last thing you can muster up doing at the end of a long work day is school work. Thank you so much to those of you who are working on the front lines to insure the safety of our country. 

Starting next week, to help with connection, I will be holding Room 4 community meetings via Zoom online on Wednesdays and Fridays. I am sending a survey to see what times work best for most families on those days. I'd love to see as many of the kids faces as possible, but if your student isn't able to make it to the Zoom meeting, that is OK! I'll work to find a time to meet with your child.

Also, next week, the platform for turning in work will be See Saw. I sent an email about it yesterday. If you have any questions or help please email me or send me a message through Remind. If you need usernames and passwords, I have those. I will do whatever I can to support you and your family during this time. 

Peace and Gratitude

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