Monday, April 20, 2020

What is Normal?

When I was a little girl I can remember my mom telling me, "Normal is just a setting on a dryer." and it really stuck with me. When I was younger and I cared a great deal about people's opinion of me and wondered if I was "normal", I would always think "Normal is just a setting on a dryer.".

 Lately though, it has taken on a new meaning. I keep hearing my kids and my own inner voice say, "I can't wait until life just gets back to normal." After a brief pause I think to myself, "What is normal? Was life ever normal?" The reality is, life is ever changing and as soon as you think you have a normal life something like a birth, death, hurricane, wedding, new job, moving or a PANDEMIC turns your "normal" world upside down.

Covid 19 has made me realize that I'm not looking for normal, I'm craving routine. I'm craving the day in and day out routines that make life predictable. I've attempted to create routines for my family and myself, but each day in the house presents itself with a new reason why the routines I've created aren't working. In the classroom, we have routines, but they are always changing too. It's weird to think that I have an easier time adjusting to being more flexible when routines change at school than I am having at home. Even though I'm so lucky to live in a nice home, in a nice neighborhood with plenty of food and all the amenities I need to survive, I am finding myself longing for and missing my other home, Charles Ellis. I miss my friends, I miss interacting with the children. I miss the predictable unpredictability. 

So to embrace the unpredictability of life...I am posting the Lower Elementary Choice Boards for Language and Math for the next two weeks here. I have uploaded the activities onto See Saw. The choice boards can also be found on the Charles Ellis website.
Lower Elementary Language and Math Choice Boards April 20th-May 1st
I am also posting the Explorations choice boards. Since Wednesdays were our Explorations day, it might be fun to choose to do some of the activities from Explorations on Wednesdays.
Lower Elementary Explorations choice board

~Peace and Gratitude~

Monday, April 13, 2020

Embrace the Chaos and keep on Trucking...

"This is no time for comparison. Everyone is doing what is best for their family. Intentionally plan for what your family needs and never apologize for it."

I hope that you all had a wonderful 3 day weekend. I am so thankful that we had beautiful weather and could spend time outside. For me, I was really happy to not open my computer all weekend. I really miss Room 4. I miss the weird sounds coming from the air conditioning unit and the squeaks that the old wooden floor makes when we walk across it. You know how our school smells new and old and the same time? I miss that too. I miss walking into our classroom and turning on all the lamps in the morning with butterflies in my stomach because I'm excited to see what the day will have in store for us. I really, really miss each and every one of your faces, your smiles, your personalities and our time together. Even though this situation is not our ideal situation it reminds me of one of my favorite artist's, Kelly Rae Roberts, pieces of work

During times like these, we just have to keep on trucking. And that may look like different things to different families. If that means doing lots of school work, then go for it. If that means, taking lots of breaks, snuggling, playing games and hanging out, then go for it. If that means hunkering down in the middle of a hallway during a tornado warning, by all means, PLEASE do that! 

This week for school we will still be working on the same choice boards from last week. Make sure that whatever work you turn in is quality work. Also, if you choose to do other work or projects, that is completely fine. In terms of work, you and your family should do whatever you NEED to do to KEEP you and your family SANE and HEALTHY!  Remember to look on See Saw for all blog posts, Zoom meeting invitations and activities. 

Peace and Gratitude

Monday, April 6, 2020

Ease on down the road...

"Ease on down, ease on down the road
Come on, ease on down
Ease on down the road
Don't you carry nothing
That might be a load
Come on, ease on down
Ease on down the road
'Cause there may be times
When you think you lost your mind
And the steps you're takin'
Leave you three, four steps behind
But the road you're walking
Might be long sometimes
You just keep on trukin'
And you'll just be fine, yeah"

Good morning Room 4 families!  It's another week at home and another week of "home" school. 

Choice Boards
Last week all of the teachers at Ellis worked on creating Language, Math, Explorations and Social/Emotional choice boards. The goal is for students to do one activity from Language and Math everyday and upload it to See Saw. I will include the directions on getting onto See Saw at the end of the blog post. As a Montessori school, our philosophy has always been that student work not be graded or scored. Student work is checked and they are provided commentary, but they aren't penalized. As I stated last week, do what you are able to do. If you can't complete a Math and Language everyday, I understand. If you and your child have found other interests to pursue, I understand. If we need to extend this week's choice board into next week, we can. The choice boards for Lower Elementary can be found in See Saw, on the Ellis website under Lower Elementary and here.

Office Hours
I will have office hours Monday-Thursday between 2:00-3:00 p.m. This will be a time when you or your child can contact me through Remind or email to ask me any questions that you have about school. I want those parents who have asked for later office hours and community meeting to know that you have been heard. I usually check my school email around 5 p.m. and 7 p.m, so I can answer any questions then as well. I will not check emails over the weekend as that is time for me to spend with my family.

 Ms. Jane's office hours will be Monday - Friday between 8:00-9:00 a.m. if you and your family have any questions for her.

Community meetings via Zoom
On Wednesdays and Fridays, I will hold community meeting via Zoom at 11:30 a.m.  More information about getting onto Zoom coming tomorrow.

See Saw
How to get on See Saw:
If you’ve used Seesaw before and have an account:
  1. Go to if you are using a tablet or if you are using a computer
  2. Choose "I’m a Student"
  3. Sign in using your school Google account. Example: Password:school password
  4. Click on your profile icon on the top left
If you’re using Seesaw for the first time:
  1. Go to if you are using a tablet or if you are using a computer
  2. Choose "I’m a Student"
  3. Type in the code: VBEO DPPO. 
  4. Finish creating your account using your school Google account. Example:
If you need help with your student's username and password, please email me and I will give it to you.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

One Day at a Time

Good morning families!

 I, as well as you, am working from home with three kids needing to be on the computer or needing me in some other capacity. I understand that this is not easy on anyone. Ourselves or our children. I read an editorial article yesterday titled "Homeschooling isn't the same as CRISIS schooling." I think each and every one of us feels that. The author made very valid points and this one really hit home with me, 

"Children are grieving right now. Out of the blue, they lost a lot. While it is wonderful that so many classes are going online, it just isn't the same. They lost their in person time with their friends, their daily routine and the predictability of life that gives us security. HONOR that grief process. Don't just expect to jump into a perfect program and learn, learn learn!  Expect them to act out. Expect them to not want to get out of bed. Expect them to not have the words to express their inner turmoil."

​I also realize that there are many of you who are still working. You are essential and you're having to use older siblings or other family members to help you during this time. I even realize some of you may not have anyone to help at all and the last thing you can muster up doing at the end of a long work day is school work. Thank you so much to those of you who are working on the front lines to insure the safety of our country. 

Starting next week, to help with connection, I will be holding Room 4 community meetings via Zoom online on Wednesdays and Fridays. I am sending a survey to see what times work best for most families on those days. I'd love to see as many of the kids faces as possible, but if your student isn't able to make it to the Zoom meeting, that is OK! I'll work to find a time to meet with your child.

Also, next week, the platform for turning in work will be See Saw. I sent an email about it yesterday. If you have any questions or help please email me or send me a message through Remind. If you need usernames and passwords, I have those. I will do whatever I can to support you and your family during this time. 

Peace and Gratitude