Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A Peek into Room 4: Week of September 23rd

Happy Fall Y’all! The weather this past weekend was glorious. It made me a bit nostalgic for my North Carolina roots, but after talking to friends, I found out it was warmer there than here over the weekend. I hope you and your families took advantage of the beautiful weather and spent time together outside. Of course, with the weather change, comes allergy and cold season. In class, we have talked a lot about make sure we wash our hands often and to cough into our elbows.

We just finished reading two books. One fiction and one non-fiction. The students really enjoyed The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo. It is a wonderful story about a china rabbit who, through many adventures, learns how to love. If your child hasn’t talked to you about it at home make sure to ask them about it.  The other book we finished was Born with a Bang, A Story of our Universe. This week, Room 4 will have Maria Montessori’s first Great Lesson, The Coming of our Universe. The lesson is filled with many experiments and told in such a way to peak the students interest about our universe. During this time, we also read and discuss other creation stories from around the world. I’m very excited to include pictures of the activities that the students will create after the first Great Lesson.

Be on the lookout in your emails for a SignUp Genius for our first 9 week conferences. I am truly looking forward to meeting each one of you and discussing your child’s progress.

Important Dates:
Friday, September 27th- Dress Down for $1 to benefit the efforts in the Bahamas and Carolinas
                                        *Also, it’s class picture day and picture make up day.
Thursday, October 3rd- Teacher Appreciation Luncheon

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Week of September 16: A glimpse into Room 4

Last Friday, we had a special visitor come observe our classroom. Her name is LeDene and she has been a pioneer for public Montessori in South Carolina for 30 years. After her visit, she expressed to me how impressed she was with the high levels of concentration, the work choices and the authenticity of our students. I am extremely proud of each and every one of them for their hard work.

Last week, I also started teaching the students how to do a simple crochet stitch. I haven’t been able to get to everyone yet. I am hoping that, eventually, each student will be able to crochet several rows. I love to crochet. It is something that I can do with my hands while listening to a book on tape, watching a TV show or hear the stories of my family’s day at school or work.

We are really getting into the Montessori lessons and I am very excited to see the students respond so enthusiastically to the materials. I have noticed that they want to push themselves beyond what I presented in the initial lessons.

I love to sing. I started as a voice major when I was a freshmen in college but decided that I wasn’t going to make a living being the next big opera singer. Teaching seemed like the next best option. I always have used music and songs to help me remember information. This week, I introduced the kids to SchoolHouse Rocks and we have been learning our 3 times tables. Here is a super cute video of them practicing the song yesterday. 

Please remember these upcoming dates:

September 19th Parent Education 6:00 – 7:00 PM – MINDING YOUR MANNERS
September 21st Parent Education 8:30 – 10:00 AM – MINDING YOUR MANNERS
September 27th FALL PICTURES – Class Pictures & Make-ups

Monday, September 9, 2019

Learning, Hurricanes and Maria! OH MY!

I don't know about the rest of you but I feel like I am starting over this week. After 4 weeks, Room 4 was beginning to get into a groove with our routines and lessons. Now, 10 days later, we have to rake up the spanish moss of our minds and remember the lessons taught and learned. 

As of today, we have finished MAP testing! YAY! I think I am more excited about that being over with for now than the kiddos. 

The Friday before we left for the Labor Day weekend, Room 4 celebrated Maria Montessori's 149th birthday. We are so thankful for her innovative and pioneering work in the field of education. Her methods invoke wonder in us all. 

You will learn so much more about Montessori education and philosophy this Thursday night at the Yamacraw Center for the Arts (Garrison) from 6 p.m. -9 p.m. Please join us for this amazing opportunity.